Phone as your personal assistant63EnglishClock (Menu 4-1-2)The phone is provided with a clock.Within the Clock menu (4-1-2). youcan set the phone to show the clock, setthe time and choose whether the clockuses the 12-hour or 24-hour format.When the phone is set to show theclock, the current time is shown in thetop right of the display when the phoneis in the standby mode.The clock also serves the followingfunctions: Messages (Menu 1), Callregister (Menu 2), Alarm clock (Menu4-1-1) and Calendar (Menu 8).Note: If the battery is removedfrom the phone for a long time,you may need to set the timeagain.Alarm clock (Menu 4-1-1)You can set the phone to alarm at aspecified time within the Alarmclock menu (menu 4-1-1). To quicklyaccess the this submenu, press Menu,then roll to Settings and pressAlarm.The alarm clock uses the time formatset for the clock: 12-hour or 24-hourformat. In the standby mode, theindicator in the header line shows thatthe alarm is set to on. You can switchthe phone off and the alarm clock willstill work.When the alarm time expiresThe phone sounds an alert tone and thetext ALARM! is shown and the phone’slights are flashing.Press Stop to stop the alarm. If you letthe phone alarm for a minute or pressSnooze, the alarm stops for a fewminutes and then resumes.Note: If the alarm time expireswhile the phone is switched off,the phone starts alerting. If youpress Stop, the phone askswhether you want to activatethe phone for calls. Press Yes toregister or No to keep the phoneswitched off. Do not switch onthe phone when wireless phoneuse is prohibited or when it maycause interference or danger.