60Settings common to all textmessagesThe following message settings underthe Message settings menu arecommon to all outgoing text messages,irrespective of the selected set.Delivery reportsYou can request the network to senddelivery reports on your textmessages (network service). Adelivery report is indicated by infront of the message header.Reply to you via samecentreThis network service allows therecipient of your text message tosend you a reply message via yourtext message centre.Message profiles1Within the Message profilessubmenu of the MessageSettings you can change thesettings of a particular messageprofile2. Each of the message profileshas its own submenu with thefollowing functions:Message centre numberWith this submenu you can storethe phone number of the messagecentre needed for sending textmessages.Messages sent asFor normal text messages, select theoption Text, for fax transmission,select the option Fax etc. Note thatyou can only use the options Fax,E-mail and Paging, if yourmessaging service offers the facilityto convert the text messages intothese alternative formats. Contactyour service provider for availabilityof this function.Message validityThis network service allows you toset the length of time that your textmessages are stored at the messagecentre while attempts are made todeliver them.Default recipient numberThe phone will suggest the numberstored under this option as a defaultnumber for text message sendingwhen this message profile isselected.Message profile nameAllows you to rename each messageprofile.1 The message profiles menu is only displayed if your SIM card supports more than one set.Each set appears in its own submenu and may have any name.2 The number of sets depends on how many sets your SIM card offers.