Reference information87EnglishFailure to observe these instructions maylead to suspension or denial of telephoneservices to the offender, or legal action orboth.Emergency CallsImportant! This phone, like anywireless phone, operates using radiosignals, wireless and landlinenetworks as well as user-programmed functions whichcannot guarantee connection in allconditions. Therefore, you shouldnever rely solely upon any wirelessphone for essential communications(e.g. medical emergencies).Remember, to make or receive any calls thephone must be switched on and in a servicearea with adequate cellular signal strength.Emergency calls may not be possible on allwireless phone networks or when certainnetwork services and/or phone features arein use. Check with local wireless serviceproviders.To make an emergency call:1 If the phone is not on, switch it on.Some networks may require that a validSIM card is properly inserted in thephone.2 If the word Clear appears above right se-lection key, press once to clear thedisplay.3 Key in the emergency number for yourpresent location (e.g. 112 or otherofficial emergency number). Emergencynumbers vary by location.4 Press the key.If certain features are in use (Keypad lock,Fixed dialling, etc.), you may first need toturn those features off before you can makean emergency call. Consult this documentand your local wireless service provider.When making an emergency call, rememberto give all the necessary information asaccurately as possible. Remember that yourwireless phone may be the only means ofcommunication at the scene of an accident- do not cut off the call until givenpermission to do so.Care and MaintenanceYour phone is a product of superior designand craftsmanship and should be treatedwith care. The suggestions below will helpyou to fulfil any warranty obligations and toenjoy this product for many years. Whenusing your phone, battery, charger OR anyaccessory:• Keep it and all its parts and accessoriesout of small children's reach.• Keep it dry. Precipitation, humidity andliquids contain minerals that will corrodeelectronic circuits.• Do not use or store it in dusty, dirtyareas. Its moving parts can be damaged.• Do not store it in hot areas. Hightemperatures can shorten the life ofelectronic devices, damage batteries,and warp or melt certain plastics.