100 MaintenanceAccess interactive programs through a maintenance terminal or amaintenance telephone, as described in this section. These programs areused to do the following:• test the equipment and place lines and trunks out of service whentesting or faulty and back into service when testing is completed or theline or trunk has been repaired or replaced• verify the status of a fault• verify that a fault has been corrected and the equipment is operatingcorrectlyUse Configuration Record Program LD 17 to select a number ofnonresident diagnostic programs. LD 17 is a program that selects otherdiagnostic programs and executes them automatically as midnight andbackground routines. These programs test the entire system and print areport that lists the test results.Alternatively, manually select continuity tests that check continuity betweenthe Fiber Superloop Network card and the Fiber Peripheral Controller card,as well as other network and peripheral controller cards. Specify thesetests in Background Signaling and Switching Diagnostics LD 45.Superloop and Controller cards maintenance commandsThe maintenance commands of the NT1P61 Fiber Superloop Network cardand NT1P62 Fiber Peripheral Controller card are identical to those of thestandard NT8D04 Superloop Network and NT8D01 Peripheral Controllercards.The maintenance commands are used to manipulate the operational statusand perform diagnostic tests on these cards. The commands are locatedin Network and IPE Diagnostic LD 32, which can be accessed using eitherthe administration terminal or the maintenance telephone.Table 11 "Network superloop maintenance commands" (page 100) listssuperloop maintenance commands provided by Network and IPEDiagnostic LD 32.Table 11Network superloop maintenance commandsMaintenancecommand Maintenance command descriptionDISL loop Disables network loopENLL loop Enables network loopDISS l s Disables a shelf or moduleENLS l s Enables a shelf or moduleNortel Communication Server 1000Fiber Remote IPE FundamentalsNN43021-554 04.01 4 June 2010Copyright © 2007-2010 Nortel Networks. All Rights Reserved.