Diagnostic tools 95A self-test checks general card functions and determines if theyare operating correctly. When the cards are first inserted, the cardautomatically starts its self-test and immediately indicates its operatingstatus.LED indicatorsCards are equipped with red LED indicators, Module power supplies areequipped with green LED indicators. These indicators show the status ofeach card or power supply.Figure 19 "Fiber Superloop Network card" (page 95) shows the NT1P61Fiber Superloop Network card. It shows the LED that indicates the statusof the Fiber Superloop Network card and an LED on each Electro-opticalpacklet that indicates the status of the link.Figure 19Fiber Superloop Network cardNortel Communication Server 1000Fiber Remote IPE FundamentalsNN43021-554 04.01 4 June 2010Copyright © 2007-2010 Nortel Networks. All Rights Reserved.