114 MaintenanceIf the Fiber Superloop Network card passed the self-test,but the problem persists, the loop or other cards thatinterface with the Fiber Superloop Network card mightbe faulty. To verify the integrity of the network bus,and connections between the Fiber Superloop Networkcard and other network and IPE cards interfacing withthe Fiber Superloop Network card, go to Procedure 27“Performing the Fiber Superloop Network loopback tests”(page 116).If the response isTEST FAILED REASON: xxxxXPE0 {NOT} CONNECTEDXPE1 NOT CONNECTEDThe Fiber Superloop Network card failed the self-test andis faulty, where xxxx can be one of the following values:0–ROM checksum failed1–FLASH checksum failed2–A21 #1 faulty3–A21 #2 faulty4–R71 faultyReplace the Fiber Superloop Network card as describedin Replacement procedures. An NPRxxx message maybe displayed as a result of a command activated self-testif the Fiber Superloop Network card is missing, notconfigured, and so on.5 Exit LD 32 by typing **** at the prompt.--End--If the NT1P61 Fiber Superloop Network card self-test indicates that thecard is not faulty, conduct loopback tests to isolate the problem that mayexist on network cards, network buses, or fiber-optic link connectionsbetween the Fiber Superloop Network card and the Fiber PeripheralController card.Loopback tests check the continuity between various interface points inthe system. This is performed by sending a known signal pattern from theoriginating point to the destination and receiving it back at the originatingpoint or a designated detecting point. If the pattern is detected and itmatches the transmitted pattern without errors, the test verifies that theNortel Communication Server 1000Fiber Remote IPE FundamentalsNN43021-554 04.01 4 June 2010Copyright © 2007-2010 Nortel Networks. All Rights Reserved.