82 Equipment installation and configurationDefining the loadwareFollow the steps in “Configuring the system monitor address for awall-mounted cabinet” (page 81) to define the loadware version beingdownloaded using the terminal or TTY connected to the MMI port.Procedure 16Defining the loadwareStep Action1 Load Print Program LD 22 on the system TTY and print thePSDL directory by executingPrompt Response DescriptionREQ PRT Request printing of peripheral softwareversionsTYPE PSWV Peripheral software versionsdownloaded to the Fiber SuperloopNetwork and Fiber Peripheral Controllercards2 Through the MMI port, enter the QVER command to check thefirmware and loadware version on the Fiber Superloop Networkcard and the Fiber Peripheral Controller card.3 Compare the loadware version obtained by printing the PSDLdirectory using Print Program LD 22 with the version obtainedusing the QVER command over the MMI terminal.The two versions must be identical.If not identical, use the SVER command at the MMI terminal toconfigure the PSDL number of the card equal to the numberobtained by Print Program LD 22.Parameters configured with default values, such as MMI defaultmode, should not be changed unless default values are notacceptable.Command CommentHELP Displays a list of commandsL Changes the Fiber Superloop Network or FiberPeripheral Controller card to MMI mode.R Changes the Fiber Superloop Network or FiberPeripheral Controller card to SL-1 mode.SDEF L/R Sets default mode to Local or Remote.QDEF Queries the MMI port default mode. Responsecan be Local or Remote.Nortel Communication Server 1000Fiber Remote IPE FundamentalsNN43021-554 04.01 4 June 2010Copyright © 2007-2010 Nortel Networks. All Rights Reserved.