134 System messages and MMI commands descriptionTable 17System messages displayed on the system terminal of TTY (cont’d.)The FXPEC TSIC logic failed, where cause identifiesthe cause of failure.A31 failed: causeThe FXPEC TSIC logic failed, where cause identifiesthe cause of failure.Electro-optical packlet testingPacklet #n equipped! testing...PASSED! or FAILED!If the test result is FAILED!, the additional informationprinted on the TTY can be one of the following:EOI #n failed: causeEOI packlet n failed and cause indicates the cause ofthe fault.EOI #n loopback failedThe loopback test failed on the EOI #n.P/EEPROM failed: pattern/address/programEEPROM cannot be reprogrammed. If the test passed,the card ID is printed.General card messagesFXNET/FXPEC time: HH:MM dd/mm/yyTime stamp is printed every 15 minutes, where HH:MMis hour and minute, dd/mm/yy is the day, month, andyear.Illegal command Unrecognized command issued by the craftsperson.Illegal parameter Incorrect parameter entry.MMI: string from remote: stringString is received from the FXPEC, but FXNET is inthe MMI mode. string represents the actual commandreceived from the other side.MMI: switched to MSL-1 modeSUBM R command was executed at the opposite siteto place the MMI terminal in the MSL-1 mode.PLL locked FXNET PLL lock was successful.PLL start bit not readyProblem with PLL. Unplug the card and plug it back in.In the message reappears, replace the packlet.PLL locked on prim/secNortel Communication Server 1000Fiber Remote IPE FundamentalsNN43021-554 04.01 4 June 2010Copyright © 2007-2010 Nortel Networks. All Rights Reserved.