Pre-installation preparation 49To install the fiber-optic link to the Fiber Remote IPE, the link fibersmust be terminated with FC/PC optical connectors at the local site. Atthe Fiber Remote IPE, the link fibers are also terminated with FC/PCoptical connectors for the floor-standing modular system. For thewall-mounted cabinet system, however, the link fibers are terminatedinto a fiber-management frame and continue from the fiber managementframe to the Electro-optical packlet FC/PC optical connectors on the FiberPeripheral Controller faceplate.When routing the cables to the local column, the floor-standing FiberRemote IPE column, or wall-mounted Fiber Remote IPE cabinet, take thefollowing precautions:• Do not bend the fiber-optic cable or individual fibers beyond theminimum bending radius of 1.4 inches (3.5 centimeters).• Protect the exposed parts of the cable and fibers with plastic conduit.• Terminate each selected fiber with an FC/PC optical connector (afiber-optic cable may contain more fibers than required by the singleor redundant link design). At the fiber management frame, the typeof optical connectors used depends on the available frame opticalconnectors.Mark each fiber with Tx (transmitting) or Rx (receiving) designator behindthe FC/PC optical connector to identify its function in the link.WARNINGWhen handling optical fibers, follow the recommended safetyprocedures at all times.Before handling optical fibers, take necessary training andbecome certified in working with fiber-optic cables.If possible, shut off power to all external transmission equipment so lightbeams will not be present at the exposed ends of the fiber cables. Keep allconnectors capped while the cables are disconnected.Handle fibers with extreme care. Observe a minimum bending radius of1.4 inches (3.5 cm) at all times. Optical connections to the optical unitsshould be finger-tightened only.The link fiber marked Tx 0 at the remote site must be marked Rx0 at thelocal site, and the link fiber marked Rx0 at the remote site must be markedTx0 at the local site. For a redundant link, in addition to Tx0 and Rx0, Tx1at the remote site must be marked Rx1 at the local site, and Rx1 at theremote site must be marked Tx1 at the local site as shown in Figure 8"Fiber-optic link" (page 50).Nortel Communication Server 1000Fiber Remote IPE FundamentalsNN43021-554 04.01 4 June 2010Copyright © 2007-2010 Nortel Networks. All Rights Reserved.