Chapter 11 Firewall screens 179Nortel Business Secure Router 222 Configuration — BasicsBypass TriangleRouteSelect this check box to have the Business Secure Router permit theuse of asymmetrical route topology on the network (not reset theconnection).Firewall RulesStorage Space inUseThis read-only bar shows how much of the Business Secure Router'smemory for recording firewall rules is currently being used. The barturns from green to red when the maximum is approached. You cantypically configure up to ten rules per traffic direction.Packet Direction Use the drop-down list to select a direction of travel of packets forwhich you want to display firewall rules.Block/ForwardUse the option buttons to select whether to Block (silently discard) orForward (allow the passage of) packets that are traveling in theselected direction.Log packets thatdon’t match theserules.Select the check box to create a log (when the above action is taken)for packets that are traveling in the selected direction and do notmatch any of the rules below.The following read-only fields summarize the rules you have createdthat apply to traffic traveling in the selected packet direction. Thefirewall rules that you configure (summarized below) take priorityover the general firewall action settings above.# This is your firewall rule number. The ordering of your rules isimportant as rules are applied in turn. The Move field allows you toreorder your rules.Status This field displays whether a firewall is turned on (Active) or not(Inactive). Rules that have not been configured display Empty.Source Address This drop-down list displays the source addresses or ranges ofaddresses to which this firewall rule applies. Note that a blank sourceor destination address is equivalent to Any.DestinationAddressThis drop-down list displays the destination addresses or ranges ofaddresses to which this firewall rule applies. Note that a blank sourceor destination address is equivalent to Any.Service Type This drop-down list displays the services to which this firewall ruleapplies. Note that a blank service type is equivalent to Any. For moreinformation, see Table 42 on page 189.Action This is the specified action for the selected rule, either Block orForward. Note that Block means the firewall silently discards thepacket.Log This field shows you if a log is created for packets that match the rule(Match), don't match the rule (Not Match), both (Both), or no log iscreated (None).Alert This field tells you whether this rule generates an alert (Yes) or not(No) when the rule is matched.Table 38 Firewall rules summary: First screenLabel Description