Chapter 15 Bandwidth management 305Nortel Business Secure Router 222 Configuration — BasicsFilter ConfigurationEnable BandwidthFilterSelect Enable Bandwidth Filter to have the Business SecureRouter use this bandwidth filter when it performs bandwidthmanagement.You must enter a value in at least one of the following fields (otherthan the Subnet Mask fields, which are only available when youenter the destination or source IP address).Service This field simplifies bandwidth class configuration by allowing you toselect a predefined application. When you select a predefinedapplication, you do not need to configure the rest of the bandwidthfilter fields (other than the Active check box).FTP (File Transfer Program) is a program to enable fast transfer offiles, including large files that are not possible by e-mail. Select FTPfrom the drop-down list to configure the bandwidth filter for FTPtraffic.If you select FTP, make sure you also turn on the FTP ALG. Formore information about ALG, see “ALG” on page 90.H.323 is a protocol standard used for multimedia communicationsover networks, for example, NetMeeting. Select H.323 from thedrop-down list to configure the bandwidth filter for H.323 traffic.If you select H.323, make sure you also turn on the H.323 ALG. Formore information about ALG, see “ALG” on page 90.SIP (Session Initiation Protocol) is a signaling protocol used inInternet telephony, instant messaging, events notification, andconferencing. The Business Secure Router supports SIP traffic passthrough. Select SIP from the drop-down list to configure thisbandwidth filter for SIP traffic. This option makes it easier to managebandwidth for SIP traffic and is useful for example when there is aVoIP (Voice over Internet Protocol) device on your LAN.If you select SIP, make sure you also turn on the SIP ALG. For moreinformation about ALG, see “ALG” on page 90.Select All from the drop-down list if you do not want to use apredefined application for the bandwidth class. When you select All,you must configure at least one of the following fields (other than theSubnet Mask fields, which you only enter if you also enter acorresponding destination or source IP address).Destination IPAddressEnter the destination IP address in dotted decimal notation.Destination SubnetMaskEnter the destination subnet mask. This field is N/A if you do notspecify a Destination IP Address.Destination Port Enter the port number of the destination. See “Predefined services”on page 188 in Chapter 11 Firewall screens for a table of servicesand port numbers.Table 81 Bandwidth Manager: Edit classLabel Description