26 CS 1000 configurationConfiguring the ELAN subnet (LD 17)Define and configure the ELAN subnet for the AML link and its associatedVSID in the configuration record. This provides the Ethernet connectionover which AML messages are exchanged between the CS 1000 systemand CallPilot. A separate ELAN must be created for CallPilot and ContactCenter for the purpose of integration.Perform this procedure only if the ELAN subnet is not provisioned.Configuring the ELAN subnet (LD 17)Step Action1 Connect to the Call Server.2 Enter LD 17.3 Enter the appropriate values as described in the following table.For prompts not listed in the following table, press Enter to acceptthe default.4 To exit the overlay, enter **** and press Return.—End—Table 10LD 17 - ELAN subnetPrompt Response DescriptionsREQ CHG Change existing data blockTYPE CFN Configuration recordADAN NEW ELAN xx Configure a new link and assign it anumber, where xx is within the ELANsubnet range (16–31). You can use anynumber in this range as long as it is notalready used. Make a note of this linknumber for your reference.- CTYP ELAN Card type- DES x...x Enter a designator of up to six charactersin length to identify this ELAN subnet.Because the ELAN subnet is notdedicated to a specific application,make the designator generic.VAS NEW Configure a new AML link or change theexisting link configuration.Enterprise: CommonSolution Integration Guide for Communication Server 1000/CallPilot/Contact Center/Telephony ManagerNN49000-300 01.01 StandardCS 1000 Release 4.5 20 December 2006Copyright © 2006, Nortel Networks Nortel Networks Confidential.