Functional description 179The Lineside T1 interface offers a number of benefits when used to connectto third-party applications equipment:• It is a more cost-effective alternative for connection because it eliminatesthe need for expensive channel bank equipment.• The Lineside T1 supports powerful T1 monitoring and diagnosticcapability.• Overall costs for customer applications can also be reduced because theT1-compatible IPE is often more attractively priced than the analog-portalternatives.The Lineside T1 card is compatible with all IPE based systems and standardpublic or private DSX-1 type carrier facilities. Using A/B robbed bit signaling,it supports D4 or ESF channel framing formats as well as AMI or B8ZScoding. Because it uses standard PCM in standard T1 timeslots, existingT1 test equipment remains compatible for diagnostic and fault isolationpurposes.The Lineside T1 card is an IPE line card that provides a cost-effectiveall-digital connection between T1-compatible terminal equipment (suchas voice mail systems, voice response units, and trading turrets) andthe system. The terminal equipment is assured access to analog(500/2500-type) telephone type line functionality such as hook flash,SPRE codes and ringback tones generated from the switch. Usually, theLineside T1 card eliminates the need for channel bank type equipmentnormally placed between the Meridian 1 and the terminal equipment. Thisprovides a more robust and reliable end-to-end connection. The LinesideT1 card supports line supervision features such as loop and ground startprotocols. It can also be used in an off-premise arrangement where analog(500/2500-type) telephones are extended over T1 with the use of channelbank equipment.The Lineside T1 interface offers significant improvement over the previousalternatives. For example, if a digital trunk connection were used, suchas with the DTI/PRI interface card, lineside functionality would not besupported. Previously, the only way to achieve the lineside functionality wasto use analog ports and channel bank equipment. With the Lineside T1interface, a direct connection is provided between the Meridian 1 and theperipheral equipment. No channel bank equipment is required, resulting ina more robust and reliable connection.The Lineside T1 interface offers a number of benefits when used to connecta Meridian 1 to third-party applications equipment:• It is a more cost-effective alternative for connection because it eliminatesthe need for expensive channel bank equipment.• The Lineside T1 supports powerful T1 monitoring and diagnosticcapability.Nortel Communication Server 1000Circuit Card ReferenceNN43001-311 01.04 StandardRelease 5.0 23 May 2008Copyright © 2003-2008, Nortel Networks.