Installing a circuit card 67DANGERTo avoid personal injury and equipment damage, read all of theguidelines in "Circuit and installation" (page 62) before you begininstallation and follow all guidelines throughout the procedure.Procedure 2Installing a circuit cardStep Action1 Open the protective carton and remove the circuit card from theantistatic bag. Return the antistatic bag to the carton and store itfor future use.2 Inspect the card components, faceplate, locking devices, andconnectors for damage. If damaged, tag the card with a descriptionof the problem and package it for return to a repair center.3 Refer to the work order to determine the module and slot locationfor the card.4 If there is an enable/disable (Enb/Dis) switch on the faceplate, set itto Dis.5 If there are option switches or jumpers on the card, set themaccording to the work order (see "Option settings" (page 81)).CAUTIONSystem FailureIncorrectly set switches on common equipment circuitcards may cause a system failure.6 Squeeze the ends of the locking devices on the card and pullthe tabs away from the latch posts and faceplate (see Figure 16"Installing the circuit card in the card cage" (page 68)).Nortel Communication Server 1000Circuit Card ReferenceNN43001-311 01.04 StandardRelease 5.0 23 May 2008Copyright © 2003-2008, Nortel Networks.