814 NT8D41AA Serial Data Interface Paddle Boardthe maintenance terminal without having to stop the system. This is alsoused to perform a parallel reload of the system software without affectingthe operation of the switch.Connector pin assignmentsThe RS-232-C signals for port 1 are brought out on connector J1 andthe RS-232-C signals for port 2 are brought out on connector J2. Thepinouts of J1 and J2 are identical, so Table 315 "Connectors J1 and J2 pinassignments" (page 814) can be used for both ports.Table 315Connectors J1 and J2 pin assignmentsPin # Signal Purpose in DTE mode Purpose in DCE mode1 CDCarrier detect (Note 1) Carrier detect (Not used)2 RDTransmitted data Received data3 TDReceived data Transmitted data4 DTRData terminal ready Data terminal ready (Note 2)5 GNDGround Ground6 DSRData set ready (Note 1) Data set ready7 RTSRequest to send (Not Used) Request to send (Note 2)8 CTSClear to send (Note 1) Clear to sendNote 1: In DTE mode the signals CD, DSR, and CTS are tied to +12 volts to signify that the port onthe SDI paddle board is always ready to transmit and receive data.Note 2: In DCE mode the signals DTR and RTS are tied to +12 volts to signify that the port on theSDI paddle board is always ready to transmit and receive data.Nortel Communication Server 1000Circuit Card ReferenceNN43001-311 01.04 StandardRelease 5.0 23 May 2008Copyright © 2003-2008, Nortel Networks.