294 NT5D33 and NT5D34 Lineside E1 Interface cards1, depending on how the dip switch for line processing is set (dip switch 2,position 6). See Table 118 "LEI card - E1 Switch 2 (S2) dip switch settings"(page 279).If the MMI detects E1-link failures for any of the other conditions monitored(out-of-frame, excess frame slips, loss-of-signal, and blue alarm condition),the LEI automatically performs all alarm level 2 functions. The MMIalso sends a yellow alarm to the far-end LTU. Alarms may be configuredto self-clear when the alarm condition is no longer detected. See "SetClearing" (page 301).All alarms activated produce a record in the alarm log. The alarm logmaintains records for the most recent 100 alarms, and can be displayed,printed, and cleared. The alarm log displays or prints the alarms indescending chronological order, beginning with the most recent alarm.Notifications in the alarm log include the date and time of the alarm’soccurrence.E1 Performance Counters and ReportsThe MMI maintains performance error counters for the following E1conditions:• errored seconds• bursty seconds• unavailable seconds• framer-slip seconds• loss-of-frame secondsThe MMI retains E1 performance statistics for the current hour, and foreach hour for the previous 24. For descriptions of these performance errorcounters and instructions on how to create a report on them and clear them,see "Performance counters and reporting" (page 309).E1 Verification and Fault Isolation TestingThe MMI enables various tests to be performed that either verify that the E1is working adequately, or help to isolate a problem to the LEI, the E1 link, orthe CPE. For descriptions of all of these tests and instructions on how torun them, see "Testing" (page 311).Login and PasswordThe MMI can be accessed through any TTY, PC running a terminalemulation program, or modem. After installing the MMI terminal and cardcables, the MMI can be configured.For single-card installations, it is accessed by entering L to login.Nortel Communication Server 1000Circuit Card ReferenceNN43001-311 01.04 StandardRelease 5.0 23 May 2008Copyright © 2003-2008, Nortel Networks.