Physical description 337Reference clock cablesThe NTCG03AA (14 ft), NTCG03AB (2.8 ft), NTCG03AC (4.0 ft), orNTCG03AD (7 ft), is a DDP2 card to Clock Controller cable, connectingeach of the CLK0 or CLK1 ports on the DDP2 faceplate to the primary orsecondary source ports on Clock Controller card 0 or 1.Figure 89NTCG03AA/AB/AC/ADMSDL/DCH cablesExternal DCH cableThe NTCK46 cable connects the DDP2 card to theNT6D11AF/NT5K75AA/NT5K35AA D-Channel Handler card.The cable is available in four different sizes:• NTCK46AA (6 ft.) - DDP2 to DCH cable• NTCK46AB (18 ft.) - DDP2 to DCH cable• NTCK46AC (35 ft.) - DDP2 to DCH cable• NTCK46AD (50 ft.) - DDP2 to DCH cableFigure 90NTCK46AA/AB/AC/ADExternal MSDL cableThe NTCK80 cable connects the DDP2 card to the NT6D80 MSDL card.The cable is available in four different sizes:• NTCK80AA (6 ft) - DDP2 to MSDL cableNortel Communication Server 1000Circuit Card ReferenceNN43001-311 01.04 StandardRelease 5.0 23 May 2008Copyright © 2003-2008, Nortel Networks.