106 Chapter 6 Scheduling CCM operations314790-D Rev 004 Specify a day and time.Use the drop-down lists to change the values in the month, year, hours,minutes, seconds, and AM/PM fields. When the time is correctly set, click thearrow in the time field to close the calendar window.5 If you want to repeat this job, select the “and repeat every” check box in theSchedule area.Selecting this option enables the fields located to the right of this check box.In these fields, you can provide information on how often the job should berun:• In the numeric field, specify a multiplier for the frequency field.• In the frequency field, select the job frequency from the list.For example, to schedule a job to run every 2 weeks, type a 2 in the numericfield and select weeks in the frequency field.6 If you want to schedule another time for the job to run, click More.7 Click the action button. In the Archive > Config From Network menu, theaction button is Archive.The job item is added to the Scheduler item. When the job runs, CCM displays thehourglass icon. If the job runs to completion, a green check mark appears next tothe job item; if the job fails, a red X appears next to the job item.Rescheduling a jobTo reschedule a job:1 In the navigation pane, select the job that you want to reschedule.2 In the context-sensitive pane, click the Properties tab. The Schedule tabopens.3 Edit the time settings. See “Scheduling jobs” on page 104 for informationabout using the Schedule tab.4 Click Apply Changes in the Schedule tab. A message appears in the messagespane specifying when the job will run.To cancel your changes, click Cancel Changes in the Schedule tab.