Chapter 2 Getting started with CCM 41Contivity Configuration Manager 2.2 User GuideToolbarThe toolbar buttons provide quick access to commonly used commands. Table 4describes the buttons on the CCM toolbar.Table 4 CCM toolbar buttonsButton Name DescriptionArchive Archives configuration files or image files in the CCM database.Send Sends configuration files or image files to a device or a TFTPserver directory.Import Imports configuration data into the database, either from a TFTPserver or from the physical device.Export Exports the selected device configuration data. You can export thedata to the TFTP server or to the physical device.Compare Compares selected database devices, or compares theconfiguration data for the selected device with the physical deviceconfiguration.Lock Locks the selected items.Unlock Unlocks the selected items.Delete Deletes the current selection. You must confirm the deletion.Copy Copies the current selection to the clipboard.Paste Pastes the contents of the clipboard into the current selection.Paste asShortcutPastes a shortcut into the current selection.Rename Renames the current selection.Search Starts the Search tool. You can specify various search criteriasuch as field names and field values.Telnet Starts a Telnet session.Log Displays an audit log of the selected devices.