88 Chapter 5 Managing image and configuration files314790-D Rev 00File Management OverviewIn CCM, file management operations involve moving configuration and imagefiles to and from devices on the network. The top-level File Management folder inthe navigation pane includes device representations along with the configurationfile and image files for the devices.Archiving and sending configuration information is similar to the import andexport operations described previously in Chapter 4, “Configuring devices”,except that the system does not parse the information. Instead, it merely stores thedata. The subsections that follow explain how to manage image and configurationfiles in CCM.Archiving filesYou can archive configuration files from:• Network devices• TFTP server directoriesYou can archive image files from TFTP server directories.The process of archiving image files from TFTP servers is explained in the sectionthat follows, while archiving configuration files is explained in “Archiving aconfiguration file from a network device” and “Archiving a configuration file froma TFTP server” on page 93.Archiving an image file from a TFTP serverYou can archive from a TFTP server directory. You can do so from the defaultTFTP directory or from a remote TFTP directory. The default TFTP directory islocated on the system running the CCM server. The specific location depends onthe operating system:• On Windows systems, the default location of the TFTP directory is\database\tftp.• On Solaris systems, the default location of the TFTP directory is /tftpboot.