Chapter 7 Managing and monitoring CCM 121Contivity Configuration Manager 2.2 User GuideIn instances of these operations, the larger operation is divided into smaller ones.For example, if you want to delete a tree of 100 devices, CCM deletes each deviceseparately.Monitoring database connectionsThe CCM server monitors and controls the number of database connections at anygiven time. The number of simultaneous database connections is limited by theserver as defined by the CCM administrator.If you try to perform an operation and the CCM server has reached its limit ofallowed concurrent operations, you receive a message that the server is busy.Your job is placed in the queue and is processed when a database connection isavailable to perform the operation.Monitoring database activityCCM keeps an audit log containing all changes made to the CCM database. Foreach change, the CCM server records the following information:• Date and time the change was made• The name of the user who made the change• A brief description of the changeYou can generate an audit log for the entire CCM database or for selected items inthe database. Once you have generated a log, you can sort it by date or by user.You can also jump from an item in the log to the item in the navigation pane.Note: The Undo operation in CCM is based on the transaction. If youUndo the delete operation on a folder containing 100 devices, you willnot get the folder and all devices back. You will only Undo the lastdeleted device.