Chapter 3 Working with items in the navigation pane 61Contivity Configuration Manager 2.2 User GuideUnderstanding access permissionsThe access privileges, which establish the actions a user can perform on an item,are read and write. The read privilege grants permission to look at theconfiguration of a database item (for example, it allows a user to see an item in thehierarchy and view its properties on the Properties pane), but not to change theitem’s configuration. The write privilege grants permission to change an item’sconfiguration, to export an item’s configuration data, and to delete an item.A user possesses access privileges on a particular item if one or more of thefollowing conditions is true:• If everyone has the privilege.• If owner has the privilege and the user is the owner.• If group has the privilege and the user is a member of a group that has beengranted access privileges.• If the user is the CCM administrator.Access permissions are not restricted to the device level. This means that eachinterface and protocol under a device can have its own access permissions. Forexample, you can have permission to change the IP-protocol properties for anEthernet interface on a particular device, but not have permission to change theIPX properties.When you add a new item to the CCM database, you become the item’s ownerand CCM assigns the default access permissions to the item. Table 5 lists thedefault access permissions.The following sections describe how you can view and modify an item’s accesspermissions.Table 5 Default access permissionsAccess group PrivilegeOwner—Administrator Read/WriteGroup—Administrator ReadEveryone Read/Write