44 Chapter 2 Getting started with CCM314790-D Rev 004 Click a button:• OK sets the selected style and closes the Preferences dialog box.• Apply sets the style and leaves the dialog box open.• Cancel closes the dialog box without changing the window style.Changing colors and fontsEach window display style has default colors and fonts. To change these:1 Choose View > Preferences.2 In the Preferences dialog box, click the Colors/Fonts tab.The Colors/Fonts tab is shown on the right side of Figure 12 on page 43.3 In the Item box, select:• Theme Fonts/Colors to change the color of panes and controls.• View Fonts/Colors to set the color of trees and lists.4 Set the background, foreground, or selection (highlight) colors.The Background, Foreground, and Selection boxes display the currentsettings for the type of color (Theme or View) selected in the Item box. Tochange the current setting:a Click the Background, Foreground, or Selection box.The color dialog box opens with a selection of available colors.b Choose any of the available colors.c Click the box containing the ellipsis points (. . . ) if you wish to developyour own background, foreground, and selection colors.The tabs shown in Figure 13 on page 45 open.d In the Color dialog box, chose the color selection method by clicking theappropriate tab: Swatches (left), HSB (middle), or RGB (right).e Change colors.The Preview pane at the bottom visually displays changes as you makethem.