66 Chapter 4 Configuring devices314790-D Rev 00Adding configurations to the databaseYou can add configurations to the database in the following ways:• Create a new configuration.• Import a configuration from a network device.• Import a configuration from a TFTP server directory.Creating a new configurationTo create a new configuration, you add the configuration from the CCM palette.The section that follows explains the palette and how you use it. “Adding a newconfiguration” on page 67 then explains the process of using the palette to add anew configuration.The navigation pane displays the contents of the CCM configuration database,whereas the Palette tab in the context-sensitive pane displays a set of icons andtemplates. These icons and templates represent items (with their defaultconfiguration data) that you can add to the CCM database.Because a particular item in the navigation pane can accept only certain items, thecontents of the Palette tab change based on the item that you select in thenavigation pane.To add items from the context-sensitive pane’s Palette tab to the navigation pane,do one of the following:• Double-click the icon in the Palette tab.• Drag the icon from the Palette tab to the navigation pane.• Select an icon in the Palette tab, and then click the Paste button at the bottomof the tab.You can use the Paste button and the Spin control, which are located in thelower-left corner of the context-sensitive pane, to add multiple copies of an itemto the navigation pane.