72 Chapter 4 Configuring devices314790-D Rev 005 Click Browse.6 Select the file you edited in step 1. The Import List Dialog box closes and theImport from Network dialog box is updated with the information from thefile.Alternatively, you can type or paste the device information directly in theImport List Dialog box, and then click OK.7 In the Import From Network dialog box, shown in Figure 30 on page 69, clickImport.Importing configurations from a TFTP serverIn addition to importing configuration files from network devices, you can alsoimport from a TFTP server directory. You can do so from the default TFTPdirectory or from a remote TFTP directory. The default TFTP directory is locatedon the system running the CCM server. The specific location depends on theoperating system:• On Windows systems, the default location of the TFTP directory is\database\tftp.• On Solaris systems, the default location of the TFTP directory is /tftpboot.To import configuration data from the TFTP directory, first copy the deviceconfiguration data you want to import to the TFTP directory. If you do not haveaccess to the TFTP server’s directory, ask the CCM administrator to copy thefiles.To import configuration data:1 In the navigation pane, select a destination folder for the configuration data.2 Open the Import from TFTP dialog box, shown in Figure 34 on page 73, inone of the following ways:• Choose Configuration > Import > From TFTP.• On the toolbar, click Import, and then click TFTP in the Import Sourcedialog box.