26 Chapter 1 Starting a CCM client session314790-D Rev 00Specifying a database item upon starting the clientBy default, the CCM standalone client starts with the Configuration Data folderselected and the Palette tab displayed. If you want to start the standalone clientwith another item in the database selected, and its properties displayed, you canuse the jumpto command line option. For example, you might start the CCMclient so that a device with a particular IP address is selected and its properties aredisplayed.The jumpto command line option takes a string. The syntax is:jumpto=<string>CCM searches its database (starting at the Configuration Data folder) for thespecified string. When it finds a match, CCM selects that item in the navigationpane and displays the item’s Properties tab. (CCM displays the first match only; itcannot handle multiple matches.)To use the jumpto command line option:1 Open a command window.2 Type the CCM client startup command, followed by the jumpto=<string>string option.For example, to start a CCM client session on a Windows system with the deviceat selected, type the following command:client.exe jumpto=, to start a CCM client session on a Solaris system with the device at192.192.253.255 selected, type the following commands:cd <InstallDir>sh ./CCMclient.sh jumpto=