Chapter 1 Starting a CCM client session 29Contivity Configuration Manager 2.2 User Guide2 Click OK.Your connection to the CCM server is closed. The navigation pane is clearedand the tool bar and menu bar are disabled. The CCM client remains active,however.3 Return to the Web browser window and enter the URL of the new server.The CCM startup page opens.4 Enter the UserID and Password for the new CCM server.5 Click OK.The connection between the Web client and the new server is established.With both the standalone client and Web client, if the connection to the newserver is not established, an error message displays. Similarly, if you attemptto log on to a new server without first logging off from the current server, awarning message notifies you that the operation will log you off the currentserver.Connecting to the CCM server from the standalone clientYou can establish a connection to a new CCM server from an existing CCMstandalone client. To connect to a new CCM server from the standalone client:1 Choose Server > Logoff. A warning dialog box opens.2 Click OK. Your connection to the CCM server is closed. The navigation paneis cleared and the tool bar and menu bar are disabled. The CCM client remainsactive, however.3 Choose Server > Logon to request a connection to a new server. The CCMLogin dialog box opens.4 Enter the UserID, Password, Host Name, and Port for the new CCM server.5 Click OK. The connection between the client and the new server isestablished.Note: The Logoff option serves as a security feature. If you leave yourworkstation unattended, you can actually log off, but leave the programrunning.