Chapter 2 Getting started with CCM 35Contivity Configuration Manager 2.2 User GuideFigure 5 Lock indicator icon in the navigation paneContext-sensitive paneThe context-sensitive pane always contains two tabs:• Palette — Displays templates for creating new database items.• Properties — Displays the parameters that characterize a database item. Forexample, a user account has user name and password parameters, whereas anetworking device has host name and domain name parameters. See“Understanding device properties” on page 77 for more information.In addition, you can add these three tabs to the context-sensitive pane:• Wizards — Contains a list of CCM wizards. Wizards walk you throughcommonly performed operations such as changing device passwords. Thecontent of the Wizards tab is dynamic.• Permissions — Use to specify which users can access items in the database,and the kind of access privileges (read, write, or both) that they have.• Applications — A repository of frequently used applications on yourmachine. You can specify, add, and launch any application from CCM thatresides on the client workstation.• Web Links—A repository of frequently used URLs and e-mail addresses.You can add URLs and addresses to this tab.Lockindicator