Planning GroupWise in a Heartbeat Cluster 287novdocx (en) 11 July 2008 Domains and their MTAs are less noticeable to users when they are unavailable (unless users indifferent post offices happen to be actively engaged in an e-mail discussion when the MTAgoes down). On the other hand, domains and their MTAs are critical to GroupWiseadministrators, although administrators might be more tolerant of a down server than end usersare. Critical domains in your system would be the primary domain and, if you have one, a hubor routing domain. These domains should be in the cluster, even if other domains are not. The Internet Agent might or might not require high availability in your GroupWise system,depending on the importance of immediate messaging across the Internet and the use of POP orIMAP clients by GroupWise users. The WebAccess Agent might or might not require high availability in your GroupWise system,depending on the importance of mailbox access from a Web browser.There is no right or wrong way to implement GroupWise in a cluster. It all depends on the specificneeds of your particular GroupWise system and its users.30.1.3 Planning Cluster Resources and Resource GroupsIn a GroupWise Heartbeat cluster, the required cluster resources for each resource group are anEVMS container, a file system, a secondary IP address, and one or more GroupWise agents. All ofthese types of resources, as members of a cluster resource group, fail over from one node to anotherwhile providing uninterrupted service to GroupWise users. So, for example, the resource group for aGroupWise domain would include the EVMS container and file system where the domain directorywill be located and the secondary IP address that will be used by the MTA that services the domain.The domain directory and secondary IP address must be available before the MTA can start.Typically, Heartbeat resources and groups are named with the object type first, followed by anunderscore (_), followed by a unique name. For example, if you are creating a new GroupWisesystem and you want to put the primary domain in the same cluster resource group as the initial postoffice, you could name the resource group group_gwprimary. You could name the domainresource resource_gwmta and the post office resource resource_gwpoa. In this example,the domain and the post office would fail over together.You might want the domain and post office together in the same cluster resource group or indifferent cluster resource groups. If you want the domain and the post office to fail over separately,you need two separate cluster resource groups. For the domain, you could create a resource groupnamed group_domain1 and a resource named resource_mta1. For the post office, you couldcreate a resource group named group_post1 and a resource named resource_poa1.30.1.4 Planning Secondary IP AddressesEach cluster resource group needs a unique secondary IP address in the cluster. The secondary IPaddress remains constant regardless of which node the cluster resource group is running on. It isindependent of all physical IP addresses in your network.HEARTBEAT CLUSTERING WORKSHEETUnder Item 6: Cluster Resource Groups for GroupWise Components, list the cluster resource groups thatyou want to create for GroupWise components. Initially, you plan one or two resource groups for theprimary domain and initial post office. Later, you plan additional resource groups for additionalGroupWise components. A GroupWise resource needs a resource name and the name of the domain orpost office equivalent to its eDirectoryTM object name.