Moving an Existing GroupWise 7 System into a Microsoft Cluster48441novdocx (en) 11 July 200848Moving an Existing GroupWise 7System into a Microsoft ClusterIf you are adding the high availability benefits of a Microsoft cluster to a GroupWise ® 7 system thatis already up and running, the first step is to set up the cluster and review Chapter 40, “Introductionto GroupWise 7 and Microsoft Clusters,” on page 383 to help you apply clustering principles andpractices to your GroupWise system.You do not need to transfer your entire GroupWise system into the cluster all at once. You couldtransfer individual post offices where the needs for high availability are greatest. You could transfera domain and all of its post offices at the same time. You might decide that you don’t need to have allof your GroupWise system running in the cluster.This section provides a checklist to help you get started with moving your GroupWise system into aMicrosoft cluster: Decide which shared disks you will use for GroupWise administration (ConsoleOne® and thesoftware distribution directory). Decide which shared disks you will use for GroupWise domains and post offices. Plan the resource groups for domains and post offices. Review Chapter 41, “Planning GroupWise in a Microsoft Cluster,” on page 385. Fill out the“System Clustering Worksheet” on page 396 to help you decide which domains and postoffices you will move to which shared disks. Review “Planning Cluster-Unique Port Numbers for Agents in the Cluster” on page 391 andfill out the “Network Address Worksheet” on page 398 to record resource group IP addressesand to specify cluster-specific port numbers for all of your GroupWise agents. Select the first shared disk that will be part of your clustered GroupWise system and set up theresource group for it, following the instructions in “Creating GroupWise Resource Groups” onpage 401 and “Configuring Short Name Resolution” on page 402. Move a domain and/or post office onto the shared disk, following the instructions in “Moving aDomain” in “Domains” or “Moving a Post Office” in “Post Offices” in the GroupWise 7Administration Guide. Review Section 41.8, “Deciding How to Install and Configure the Agents in a Cluster,” onpage 391, fill out the “Agent Clustering Worksheet” on page 399, and install the agents asneeded for the first clustered domain and/or post office, following the instructions inSection 42.5, “Installing and Configuring the MTA and the POA in a Cluster,” on page 406. Test the first component of your clustered GroupWise system following the instructions inSection 42.6, “Testing Your Clustered GroupWise System,” on page 409. Take care of the cluster management details described in Section 42.7, “Managing YourClustered GroupWise System,” on page 409. Move more domains and post offices into the cluster as needed. If you have GroupWiselibraries, see Section 41.4, “Planning a New Library for a Clustered Post Office,” on page 388.