Implementing WebAccess in a Microsoft Cluster44423novdocx (en) 11 July 200844Implementing WebAccess in aMicrosoft ClusterYou should already have set up at least a basic GroupWise® system, as described in Chapter 41,“Planning GroupWise in a Microsoft Cluster,” on page 385 and Chapter 42, “Setting Up a Domainand Post Office in a Microsoft Cluster,” on page 401. As part of this process, the “System ClusteringWorksheet” on page 396 and the “Network Address Worksheet” on page 398 were filled out. If youdo not have access to the filled-out worksheets, print the worksheets now and fill in the clusteringand network address information as it currently exists on your system. You will need thisinformation as you implement WebAccess in a cluster. Section 44.1, “Understanding the WebAccess Components,” on page 423 Section 44.2, “Planning WebAccess in a Cluster,” on page 423 Section 44.3, “Setting Up WebAccess in a Cluster,” on page 427 Section 44.4, “Managing WebAccess in a Cluster,” on page 430 Section 44.5, “WebAccess Clustering Worksheet,” on page 43344.1 Understanding the WebAccessComponentsIf you are not familiar with GroupWise WebAccess, review “GroupWise WebAccess Overview” in“Installing GroupWise WebAccess” in the GroupWise 7 Installation Guide.As you plan WebAccess in a clustering environment, you must keep in mind that you will plan andset up two separate WebAccess components: WebAccess Agent (gwinter.exe) that will be associated with a GroupWise WebAccessdomain WebAccess Application (a Java servlet) that will be added to your Web server44.2 Planning WebAccess in a ClusterA main system configuration difference between a GroupWise system in a clustering environmentand a GroupWise system in a regular environment is that you need to create a separate domain tohouse each GroupWise gateway, including the WebAccess Agent. The WebAccess Agent is fasterand more stable when it runs on the same server with its domain. In a cluster, creating a separatedomain for the WebAccess Agent ensures that the WebAccess Agent and its domain always fail overtogether.Section 44.5, “WebAccess Clustering Worksheet,” on page 433 lists all the information you need asyou set up the WebAccess Agent and the WebAccess Application in a clustering environment. Youshould print the worksheet and fill it out as you complete the tasks listed below: Section 44.2.1, “Setting Up Your Web Server in the Microsoft Cluster,” on page 424 Section 44.2.2, “Planning a New Domain for the WebAccess Agent,” on page 424 Section 44.2.3, “Planning the WebAccess Resource Group,” on page 425