396 GroupWise 7 Interoperability Guidenovdocx (en) 11 July 2008IMPORTANT: Do not install the Windows agent software until you are instructed to do so inChapter 42, “Setting Up a Domain and Post Office in a Microsoft Cluster,” on page 401.Skip to Chapter 42, “Setting Up a Domain and Post Office in a Microsoft Cluster,” on page 401.41.9 GroupWise Clustering Worksheets Section 41.9.1, “System Clustering Worksheet,” on page 396 Section 41.9.2, “Network Address Worksheet,” on page 398 Section 41.9.3, “Agent Clustering Worksheet,” on page 39941.9.1 System Clustering WorksheetGROUPWISE AGENT INSTALLATION WORKSHEETUnder Item 2: Agents and Locations, mark POA Local to Post Office and MTA Local to Domain. In aMicrosoft cluster, a domain or post office and its agent must be located on the same node in order tofail over together.Under Item 3: Installation Path, take into account your decision based on “Deciding Where to Installthe Agent Software” on page 393.Under Item 8: Installation Options, mark Install as Windows Services.Under Item 6: Domains and Item 7: Post Offices, refer to the Domain and Post Office Worksheets youfilled out in Section 41.2, “Planning a New Clustered Domain,” on page 386 and Section 41.3,“Planning a New Clustered Post Office,” on page 387, and to the Network Address Worksheet youcompleted during “Planning Cluster-Unique Port Numbers for Agents in the Cluster” on page 391.Item Explanation1) Cluster Name: Record the name of the name of your Microsoft cluster.For more information, see Section 41.1, “Setting Up YourMicrosoft Cluster,” on page 386.2) Nodes in Cluster: List the servers that are part of the cluster that you set up foryour GroupWise system.For more information, see Section 41.1, “Setting Up YourMicrosoft Cluster,” on page 386.