Implementing Messenger in a Microsoft Cluster 447novdocx (en) 11 July 2008Running the Messenger Installation Program1 If necessary, map a drive to the shared disk for Messenger administration (MessengerClustering worksheet item 6) where you will install the Messenger snap-ins to ConsoleOne.2 Map a drive to the shared disk of the Messenger resource group (Messenger ClusteringWorksheet item 4) where you will install the Messenger agent software.3 Map a drive to c:\ on the first node in the cluster (Messenger Clustering Worksheet item 2)where you will set up the Messenger agents as a Windows services.4 Start the Messenger Installation program, following the steps provided in “Setting Up YourNovell Messenger System” in “Installing a Novell Messenger System” in the Messenger 2.0Installation Guide.5 Install the Windows Messenger agents, keeping in mind the following cluster-specific details: Use the Novell Messenger System Worksheet that you filled out in “Planning theMessenger Agent Installation” on page 122 to fill in the fields during the Messengerinstallation process. When you specify the Messenger installation directory, be sure to browse to the locationthrough the drive mapped in Step 2 above. When you specify the ConsoleOne directory, be sure to browse to the location through thedrive mapped in Step 1 above. On the Setup Complete page, do not select Launch Agents Now.6 Repeat Step 4 and Step 5, mapping a drive to each node in the cluster.Initially, you need to repeat the installation process for each node so that the Messenger agentsare set up as Windows services on each node. For updates, you need to install only once to theshared disk.7 Continue with Testing the Clustered Messenger Agents.Testing the Clustered Messenger AgentsAfter you have set up the Messenger agents on a shared disk in your Microsoft cluster, you can testthem by manually bringing the Messenger resource group online and taking it offline again.Continue setting up your Messenger system following the instructions in “What’s Next” in“Installing a Novell Messenger System” in the Messenger 2.0 Installation Guide49.3 Messenger Clustering WorksheetItem Explanation1) Cluster Identification:Cluster name:Cluster IP addressRecord the name and IP address of your Microsoft cluster.For more information, see Section 41.1, “Setting Up YourMicrosoft Cluster,” on page 386.2) Nodes in Cluster: List the servers that are included in your Microsoft cluster.For more information, see Section 41.1, “Setting Up YourMicrosoft Cluster,” on page 386.