318 GroupWise 7 Interoperability Guidenovdocx (en) 11 July 20085 In the HA Management Client, activate a different node where you have installed the agentsoftware.6 Repeat Step 1 through Step 5 for each node where you have installed the GroupWise agents.7 After you have tested the agents on all nodes manually, start and stop their GroupWiseresources in the HA Management Client to make sure that their Heartbeat resources areproperly configured.If you receive the error Unmanaged on node, then you have failed to test the agents on oneor more nodes. On each node, view the gwha.conf file in the /etc/opt/novell/groupwise directory. Each section should be preceded by the name of a domain for an MTAor a post office and domain for a POA. If any section is preceded by a startup file variable (forexample, @strtup.mta), then that agent has not yet been initialized by being run manually.To resolve the problem, you can run the agent manually on that node, or you can replace thestartup file variable with the appropriate domain and/or post office information, being sure tofollow the same format as the other section headings in the gwha.conf file.8 When you have installed and tested the agents on all of the nodes where the domain and postoffice can fail over, continue with Changing Agent Paths to Locations on GroupWisePartitions.32.4.5 Changing Agent Paths to Locations on the SharedStorage PartitionThe default locations for some agent files are on the nodes along with the agent software, rather thanbeing located with the domain and post office on a shared storage partition. To avoid havingmultiple copies of these files in multiple locations, you should set the locations in ConsoleOne. “Setting the MTA Message Log File Path” on page 318 “Setting the MTA Certificate and Key File Path” on page 319 “Setting the POA Certificate and Key File Path” on page 319When you have changed the paths, skip to Section 14.5, “Testing Your Clustered GroupWiseSystem,” on page 160.Setting the MTA Message Log File PathIf you plan to enable message logging, as described in “Enabling MTA Message Logging” in“Message Transfer Agent” in the GroupWise 7 Administration Guide:1 On the shared storage partition of the cluster resource group where the domain is located, createthe directory where you want to store MTA message log files.2 In ConsoleOne, browse to and select the Domain object.3 Right-click the MTA object, then click Properties.4 Click GroupWise > Message Log Settings.5 In the Message Log File Path field, browse to and select the directory you created in Step 1,then click OK.