Implementing WebAccess in a Microsoft Cluster 429novdocx (en) 11 July 2008 On the Gateway Directory page, be sure to browse to the domain directory through thedrive you mapped in Step 1 above. On the Execution Options page, be sure that Run WebAccess Agent as a Windows Serviceis selected. On the Start Applications page, deselect Start the GroupWise WebAccess Agent.6 Repeat Step 4 and Step 5, mapping a drive to each node in the cluster.Even if you installed the WebAccess Agent software to a shared disk, you need to repeat theinstallation process for each node so that the Internet Agent gets set up as a Windows service oneach node.7 Make sure you have completed all the WebAccess Agent tasks described in “NetWare andWindows: Setting Up GroupWise WebAccess” in “Installing GroupWise WebAccess” in theGroupWise 7 Installation Guide, but do not start the WebAccess Agent at this time.8 Continue with Installing and Configuring the WebAccess Application in a Cluster.44.3.5 Installing and Configuring the WebAccess Applicationin a ClusterRecall that the WebAccess Agent is the component of your WebAccess installation that accessespost offices and libraries to retrieve information for WebAccess client users. The WebAccessApplication provides the link between the WebAccess Agent and the WebAccess clients’ Webbrowsers.To install the WebAccess Application:1 Map a drive to the shared disk of the WebAccess resource group (WebAccess ClusteringWorksheet item 1) where the WebAccess domain is located.2 Map a drive to the first Web server node where you want to install the WebAccess Application(WebAccess Clustering Worksheet item 7).3 If the Web server node where you are going to install the WebAccess Application is currentlyrunning any applications that rely on Java or on the Web server, migrate those applications toanother node in the cluster. If any GroupWise agents are running on the node, migrate theagents.4 Stop the Web server.5 Start the WebAccess Installation program as you did when you installed the WebAccess Agent(Step 5 on page 428). Keep in mind the following cluster-specific details: On the Components page, select only GroupWise WebAccess Application. Use items 13 through 19 on the GroupWise WebAccess Installation Worksheet that youfilled out in “Planning the WebAccess Installation” on page 426 to fill in the fields duringthe WebAccess Application installation process. On the Gateway Directory page, be sure to browse to the WebAccess gateway directory(domain\wpgate\webac70a) through the drive you mapped in Step 1 above. On the Web Server Information page be sure to browse to the Web server root directorythrough the drive you mapped in Step 2 above. On the Start Applications page, deselect Restart Web Server.