Implementing Messenger in a Heartbeat Cluster39369novdocx (en) 11 July 200839Implementing Messenger in aHeartbeat ClusterNovell ® Messenger does not require the existence of a GroupWise ® system in the cluster, butpresumably one has already been set up as described in Chapter 30, “Planning GroupWise in aHeartbeat Cluster,” on page 285, Chapter 31, “Setting Up a Heartbeat Cluster,” on page 297, andChapter 32, “Setting Up a Domain and a Post Office in a Heartbeat Cluster,” on page 307. As part ofthe process of setting up GroupWise in the cluster, you filled out the “Heartbeat ClusteringWorksheet” on page 293. Some of the information from that worksheet is helpful as you implementMessenger in your cluster. Section 39.1, “Planning Your Messenger System in a Heartbeat Cluster,” on page 369 Section 39.2, “Setting Up Your Messenger System in a Heartbeat Cluster,” on page 371 Section 39.3, “Testing Your Clustered Messenger System,” on page 378 Section 39.4, “Managing Your Clustered Messenger System,” on page 378 Section 39.5, “Messenger Clustering Worksheet,” on page 37939.1 Planning Your Messenger System in aHeartbeat ClusterBecause the Messenger agents are not associated with GroupWise domains or post offices, theMessenger agents are easier to implement in a cluster than are the GroupWise agents. The“Messenger Clustering Worksheet” on page 240 lists the information you need as you set up theMessenger agents in a clustering environment. You should print the worksheet and fill it out as youcomplete the tasks listed below: Section 39.1.1, “Planning a Cluster Resource Group for the Messenger Agents,” on page 369 Section 39.1.2, “Recording the Messenger Agents’ Secondary IP Address,” on page 370 Section 39.1.3, “Determining Appropriate Constraints for the Messenger Agents,” on page 370 Section 39.1.4, “Planning the Messenger Agent Installation,” on page 37139.1.1 Planning a Cluster Resource Group for the MessengerAgentsAs with the GroupWise agents, the Messenger agents need cluster nodes, native Heartbeatresources, Messenger resources, and a cluster resource group in order to function in your Heartbeatcluster. If you put the Messenger agents in the same cluster resource group, they fail over together. Ifyou put them in separate cluster resource groups, then they fail over separately.For a review of these cluster components, see Section 13.1, “Installing Novell Cluster Services onLinux,” on page 134.