Implementing Messenger in a Microsoft Cluster 445novdocx (en) 11 July 2008Planning the Messenger Agents on a Shared DiskIf you do not anticipate a large Messenger archive, you can use one Messenger shared disk. If youanticipate archiving a large number of messages so that the Messenger archive grows very large, youmight want to have a separate Messenger shared disk for the Archive Agent and the archivedatabase. The steps in this section cover setting up the Messenger agents on a single shared disk.Continue with Planning the Messenger Agent Installation.49.1.4 Planning the Messenger Agent InstallationAside from the cluster-specific issues discussed in the preceding sections, the considerationsinvolved in planning to install the Messenger agents are the same in a clustering environment as forany other environment. Review “Planning Your Novell Messenger System”, then print and fill outthe “Novell Messenger Worksheet” in “Installing a Novell Messenger System” in the Messenger 2.0Installation Guide. Transfer the following information from the Messenger Clustering Worksheet tothe Messenger System Worksheet: For Item 3: Installation Path on the Messenger System Worksheet: If you are installing the Messenger agents to each node in the cluster, usec:\novell\nm. If you are installing the Messenger agents to a shared disk, use drive:\novell\nmwhere drive is the shared disk from Item 4: Resource Group for Messenger Agents on theMessenger Clustering Worksheet. Under Item 12: Server Address on the Messenger System Worksheet: If you are installing the Messenger agents to each node in the cluster, use the cluster IPaddress from Item 1: Cluster Identification on the Messenger Clustering Worksheet. If you are installing the Messenger agents to a shared disk, specify the Messenger resourcegroup IP address from Item 4: Resource Group for Messenger Agents on the MessengerClustering Worksheet. Under Item 13: Configure Agents for Clustering? on the Messenger System Worksheet, markNo. This applies to the Messenger Agents running with Novell Cluster ServicesTM, not in aMicrosoft cluster. Under Item 14: Admin Configuration on the Messenger System Worksheet: If you are installing the Messenger snap-in to ConsoleOne to an administratorworkstation, use the location where ConsoleOne is already installed (typicallyc:\novell\consoleone\version_number). If you are installing the Messenger snap-in to ConsoleOne to a shared disk, usedrive:\directory, where drive is the shared disk from Item 6: Resource forMessenger Administration on the Messenger Clustering Worksheet and directory istypically c:\novell\consoleone\version_number.Continue with Setting Up Your Messenger System in a Cluster.MESSENGER CLUSTERING WORKSHEETUnder Item 4: Resource Group for Messenger Agents, plan the network name and IP address of theresource group, the physical disk and share name for mapping to it, the agent service names, and thenodes in the cluster where the Messenger resource group can fail over.