CHAPTER 3 REPAIR PROCEDURESInCal Weight Hardware Disassembly & Testing7. Test the InCal Weight Mechanism (with Weights and Weight Holders removed) usingthe Software Service Tool as explained in Appendix C, Sections C.5 & C.6.While running the test, observe the movement of the Weight Arms, with the blacktips, shown in Figure 3-16. Each Weight Arm should move inward when its PartialLoad button is clicked (Partial Load 1 or Partial Load 2), and both should moveinward when the Total Load button is clicked.Weight CradlesWeight ArmsFigure 3-16. InCal Weight hardware with Weights andWeight Holders removed. Weight Arms with black tipsare on either side of the Cantilever Arm.8. Test the mechanism again, with Weights and Weight Holders in place, to ensure theyare properly positioned. Place the Weight Holders to the left and right of theCantilever Arm, and re-insert the 2 screws with their bushings that secure the WeightHolders. Then carefully place the Weights in their Holders.9. As each Weight Arm moves inward when its Partial Load button is clicked, check thatthe Weight above it is lowered into place, resting fully on the Weight Cradles. BothWeight Arms should move inward when the Total Load button is clicked, and bothWeights should rest fully in their Cradles.If Weight Arm responses are acceptable (both empty and with Weights and WeightHolders in place), the Incal Weight Mechanism Test is satisfactorily complete.10. If there are problems with the Weight Arm movements, open the Load Cell Coverand check the Calibration Motor for defects. If the Calibration Motor needs to bereplaced, see the procedures in the next Section 3.1.6 - Removing and ReplacingCalibration Motor Assembly.11. Upon satisfactory completion of the InCal Weight Mechanism Test, be sure allhardware is perfectly clean, then reinstall the Weight Holders and Weights and re-assemble the InCal Weight Assembly, following this section in reverse order.Ohaus Corporation 3-12 Discovery Balance Service Manual