ExplorerPro EN-15USEPARTS COUNTING-CHECKThis feature permits establishing a set quantity of pieces as acriteria for similar items that can be quickly checked against thesample. In the Parts Counting Check mode, the displayed dataincludes, present count (Pcs), APW, Sample Size, Tare, Weightand a bar graph indicating UNDER, ACCEPT (blinking) and OVER.Refer back to Parts Counting, enter the PARTS COUNTING SETUPmenu and change Mode to Check.The balance is now in the PC CHECK mode.PC CHECK 01/01/03 03:05:45 PMSAMP LE SI Z E SET UP NEW COU NTAdd 10 Pieces, Press Enter0.00 gAPW: 0.00gS ample S ize: 10 Under: 5Tare: 0.00g Over: 10The balance indicates to add 10 pieces and has an Under valueof 5 and an Over value of 10 set up as default values and anaverage piece weight has not been set. Place 10 pieces on thepan and press the Enter button.PC CHECK 01/01/03 03:05:45 PMSAMP LE SI Z E SET UP NEW COU NT20.00 gAPW: 2.00gS ample S ize: 10 Under: 5Tare: 0.00g Over: 1010 Pcs*U nder Accept OverAn average piece weight has been set by placing the pieces onthe pan. To use the PC Check, the Over and Under values mustbe set as well as other display setup parameters. Refer toadjustments and set the balance parameters to fit specificrequirements.ADJUSTMENTSThe PC Check display contains three soft keys at the top of thescreen SAMPLE SIZE, SETUP and NEW COUNT.NEW COUNTWhen NEW COUNT soft key is selected, follow the screeninstructions “Add 10 Pieces, Press Enter “. After pressing theEnter button, the balance calculates the APW and the displayindicates the number of pieces.SETUPUsing the left arrow key, select SETUP soft key and press theEnter button. The PARTS COUNTING SETUP is shown.PA R T S CO U NTING S ET U PMode : CheckUnit : gS ample S ize : 10APW : OffTare : 0.00Auto Optimize : OffOver : 10Under : 5Display S ettings : CustomS ize/APW Key : UnlockedNew Count Key : UnlockedExitTwo additional entries have been added to the PARTS COUNTINGSETUP, they are Over and Under. Refer to the Adjustments sectionof parts counting for a description of all other settings.Over 10: 0-9999 (default is 10)Defines the over limit in pieces.Under 5: 0-9999 (default is 5)Defines the under limit in pieces.Display Settings: Custom, Default (default is Default)Selecting Display Settings to Custom will bring up the DISPLAYSETTINGS screen that will allow individual display items to beturned on or off. Sample Size, Tare, Weight are described underparts counting Display Settings.