Information in this operation guideContents of this guideRead this operation guide to learn what the Océ VarioPrint® 6000 line product can do for you,how to operate and maintain the print system, and how to use it in a safe way.The guide starts with basic information on the print system (Chapter 2). The ease of operationand the highlights of PRISMAsync are part of Chapter 3.In the next chapters you find the instructions how to start up the print system and prepare theprint system (Chapter 4 and 5). For several tasks in these chapters you need to have access toconfiguration tasks.Next the guide describes how you can prepare print jobs for operators (Chapter 6).Then, the guide describes how you can plan and monitor the workload of jobs remotely (Chapter7). For the tasks in this chapter you need to have access to the remote tools.The way you can plan the jobs from the control panel is described in Chapter 8.How to carry out print jobs is in the next chapter (Chapter 9).Chapter 10 informs you how to keep the system printing.Carefully read the media handling instructions of chapter 11. This chapter contains also a sectionabout how to use light-weight media.Maintenance instructions teach you how to keep the print system running (Chapter 12). Chapter13 has information about the solving of problems.Chapter 14 gives the specifications about your product.Optionals described in this operation guideThis user guide includes the description of the following optionals:• Form assist module• Easy lift• 7" x 10" statement size support• Dual paper tray• Flex-XL paper input module• Integrated camera mounting unit ICMUOther product informationOn the downloads site you find the following product information for theOcé VarioPrint® 6000 line:• This user guide• Safety guide for print system• Maintenance guidereplace parts, clean parts, solve a paper jam in the engine module• Extended key operator maintenance guideTTF maintenance, OPC maintenance, registration adjustment• Technical reference manualThe other optionals have an operation guide that is delivered together with the product.Information in this operation guideChapter 1 - Introduction 13Océ VarioPrint 6000 line