Transaction printing workflowWhen there is a license for transaction printing (IPDS or PCL), you can operate the print system inthe transaction printing mode. An IPDS or PCL host sends a streaming job to a dedicated port inthe print system. The transaction printing mode fits print environments with large numbers ofbusiness critical data, such as invoices, checks and salary slips.Typical for the transaction print mode is that first non-variable parts of a print job are stored onthe print server and then merged with the variable parts of the print job.Print productionJob planningScheduledjobsJob preparationApplications to prepare andsubmit job streamPRISMAproductionPreflight andmake readyData inputJob scheduling andmonitor[7] Job workflow for transaction printing modeDuring daily work, you can switch between the transaction printing and document printingmodes without rebooting the print system.When the transaction printing mode is active, the print system still accepts PDF and PostScriptjobs. However, PRISMAsync starts to process these jobs, when you switch off the transactionprinting mode.Differences between the two printing modesThe transaction printing mode is different from the document printing mode in several respects:1. All data in one connection session are part of the same streaming job. This streaming job canhave job separators. In this instance, you can see the different job names on the controlpanel.2. The print resolution for IPDS is 240, 300, 600 dpi, or automatically detected.3. When the transaction printing jobs contain paper tray selection numbers, you can select amapping method. The paper tray number corresponds to a physical tray or to media from thecatalog:• Tray-to-media mappingYou can assign the paper tray number included in the print job to a physical paper tray.You select media from the media catalog and link these to a logical tray, indicated by anumber. The print system maps the media of the logical tray to the physical paper traysthat hold these media. For color management, the output profile associated with the mediafamily of the media is used. The control panel shows the media which the job uses.Transaction printing workflowChapter 3 - Explore the ease of operation 41Océ VarioPrint 6000 line