Use the ScheduleIntroduction to the [Schedule] viewIntroductionThe [Schedule] is your daily planning board for print jobs. The [Schedule] helps you to keep themachine running.This section shows and describes the main parts of the [Schedule].NOTEThe descriptions of the colors of the bars and the indication of the required amount of sheets areonly valid for document printing. For streaming jobs , all the bars remain grey until the papertrays are empty or the output locations are full. Then the machine stops and the bars becomered. Furthermore, the media toolbar does not indicate the required amount of sheets.The [Schedule] view[42] The [Schedule] view1. The Jobs PaneThe jobs pane shows the jobs on a timeline. The width of the job corresponds to the (remaining)print time. A vertical line separates the jobs. The vertical line moves to the left as the printing of ajob progresses.An icon and the job name represent a job. The icon indicates the state of the job, for exampleprinting .Furthermore, the icon indicates the stop moments of the machine. For example, when thesetting [Confirm start of job] in the workflow profiles (see list of references below) is set to [On] orwhen you use the [Stop after job] function.Use the Schedule194 Chapter 10 - Keep the system printing Océ VarioPrint 6000 line