Introduction to the main system componentsIntroductionThe following illustrations show the main system components. The table describes the maincomponents. Please follow the links in the table for comprehensive information.53412657 3 4The main system componentsComponent Function1 Control panel The control panel helps you with your daily work, for ex-ample the scheduling of the jobs. Furthermore, the con-trol panel helps you to solve errors or perform mainte-nance tasks (seeControl panel on page 33).2 Operator attentionlightThe operator attention light enables you to check thestatus of the system from a distance (seeThe operatorattention light on page 201).3 Paper module The paper module contains 4 paper trays. The papertrays contain the media that will be printed. The defaultconfiguration of the system contains 1 paper module.You can add 1 or 2 more paper modules to the defaultconfiguration to increase the media input capacity (seeThe paper modules on page 19). 4Introduction to the main system componentsChapter 2 - Explore the print system 17Océ VarioPrint 6000 line