246 Chapter 6 Operating the printing systemPowering off the printing systemPowering off the printing systemNote:For twin or triplex operation, the following steps must be performed on eachindividual printer, unless otherwise specified.To power off the printing system[132]Proceed as follows:1. Drain the printer, i.e. switch the printing system offline from the software.2. Click on the 'Stop' button.The printing system is switched to the 'Stop' status.3. Deactivate active channel links on the operator panel. Click on the 'Channelcontrol' button.The 'Channels' menu is displayed.Click on the following button to deactivate the channel:[313]and confirm the 'Do you really want to place this channel offline?' query.During the time needed for deactivation, the connecting icon is shown inyellow. A deactivated channel is represented by the following icon:[314]4. Click on the following button on the operator panel:[315]and confirm the 'Do you really want to power off the printing system?' que-ry.