6 IntroductionComponentsBack CoverOpen this cover to expose expansion slot toinstall the optional memory expansionboard and PC interface.LINE JackJack for connecting to an outsidetelephone line.TEL 1 JackTEL 2 JackJacks for connecting to an optionalhandset, external phone, or answeringmachine.AC Power InletPlug the supplied AC powercord into this inlet.Image Drum CartridgeThe image drum cartridge con-tains the green photosensitivedrum which receives images fromthe LED print head and transfersthem to the printing paper.Toner CartridgeThis black cylinder, installedinside the image drum car-tridge, contains the blackpowder that forms the imageon the paper. You need toinstall a new toner cartridgewhen the REPLACE TONERCART message appears onthe display.LED PrintheadThis black bar writes received orcopied images onto the image drum.You should clean this bar each timeyou change the toner cartridge.1ABC2 DEF3GHI4 JKL5 MN6PRS7 TUV8 WXY9* OQZ0#HYPHENCOPY HOOKV. REQUESTPHOTO EX FINE FINE STDLIGHT NORMAL DARKALAR