10 Introduction17 Alarm indicator: This indicator glows red and an alarmsounds to notify you of any problem that occurs.Check the display panel for an explanation of theproblem. To turn the alarm indicator off, press theStop key and correct the problem.18 Stop key: This key cancels the operation currently inprogress and turns off the Alarm Indicator. Afterloading paper, installing a new toner cartridge, orcorrecting an alarm condition, press this key to turnoff the Alarm Indicator. While you are programming,pressing the Stop key takes you back step-by-stepthrough the programming functions you have alreadyselected.19 Start key: Press this key to initiate the operationindicated on the display or to confirm informationyou have entered into the display.20 Plus key: In addition to its function as a programmableOne Touch key, this key is used for chain dialing,which allows you to dial a number using anycombination of One Touch keys, Auto Dial numbers,and the numeric keypad. When programming achain dial number into a One Touch key or AutoDial number, press the Plus key at the end of thefirst part of the number to indicate that this is achain dial number. See page 32 for details.• On the OKIFAX 5300 Plus, the Plus key isOne Touch key 13.• On the OKIFAX 5600 Plus, the Plus key isOne Touch key 13 and 28.21 Space key: Use this key on the One Touch Keypad toenter spaces while programming. Unlike the Pauseand Hyphen keys, spaces are used for easier readingonly and have no effect on dialing.• On the OKIFAX 5300 Plus, the Space key isOne Touch key 14.• On the OKIFAX 5600 Plus, the Space key isOne Touch key 14 and 29.22 Pause key: Use this key on the One Touch keypad toenter automatic 3-second pauses in dialing whenprogramming telephone numbers. Pauses in tele-phone numbers are marked by a “P” symbol.• On the OKIFAX 5300 Plus, the Pause key isOne Touch key 15.• On the OKIFAX 5600 Plus, the Pause key isOne Touch key 15 and 30.