26 Installation6 Press the Start key to save your entry.7 Press the Select Function key to finish.Connecting to a PBXA PBX (Private Branch Exchange) is a private tele-phone system used to route internal calls. If you haveto dial a prefix (access digit) to get an outside line, thenyour line is connected to a PBX.If you are connecting your OKIFAX to a PBX, followthe instructions below. It can then detect the accessdigit at the beginning of phone numbers you dial orprogram, and automatically waits for a dial tone beforedialing the rest of the number.Note: Some PBX installations may require additional adjust-ments to your OKIFAX. If you continue to have difficulty withfax communication after following these steps, contactOkidata.1 Press the Select Function key.2 Press the 9/User Program One Touch key.3 On the numeric keypad, press 2. The displayshows 2:DIAL PARAMETER.4 Press the Yes ß key until the display showsPBX LINE, [OFF].5 Press the No © key. The display changes toPBX LINE, [ON].6 Press the Yes ß key until the display showsDIAL PREFIX, [OFF].7 Press the No © key. The display changes to DIALPREFIX, [ ] ENTER 4DIGITS.8 Using the numeric keypad, enter the number younormally dial from your PBX to obtain an outside line—for example, 9 before the number, such as 1-555-1212.9 Press the 14/Space One Touch key repeatedly until thedisplay changes.10 Press the Yes ß key.11 Press the Select Function key to finish. Keep in mindthat all of the outside telephone numbers you programinto your OKIFAX have to begin with your PBX’s accessdigit.Note: To turn off the PBX LINE and DIAL PREFIX functions,follow Steps 1-7 above. At Step 8, press the Space key fourtimes. Then skip to Step 10.