Faxing: Advanced Operations 4512 Repeat Steps 11 and 12 as often as necessary tocontinue selecting locations.13 When you are finished selecting locations, press theNo © key at the SELECT LOCATION(S) message.14 If you have selected multiple locations, your OKIFAXasks if you want to confirm your selections with aprinted report before proceeding. If you do, pressthe Yes ß key. After the report is printed, thedisplay shows BEGIN SCANNING? If you want tomake corrections, press the No © key and go backto Step 9. To remove a location, select the locationin the same way, but press the No © key to deleteit from your transmission.15 When all of your selections are correct, press theStart key. Your OKIFAX scans the documents intomemory and waits until the time and date you haveset before sending the fax. When scanning iscompleted, your OKIFAX is available for othertransmission operations.Canceling a Delayed Transmission1 Press the Stop key. The display shows COMMUNI-CATION CANCEL.2 Press the Yes ß key. The display shows the Loca-tion ID of the delayed transmission currently loadedin your OKIFAX.3 Press the Yes ß key.4 If the delayed transmission was a feeder transmis-sion, press the Stop key again to remove thedocument from the document feeder.Sending a Fax to Multiple Locations (Broadcasting)In a single operation, you can send a fax to up to asmany One Touch and Auto Dial numbers as youhave programmed, plus as many as 10 manuallyentered numbers.n The OKIFAX 5300 Plus can send a fax to as many as89 locations.n The OKIFAX 5600 Plus can send a fax to as many as139 locations.1 Load your documents.2 Press the Select Function key.3 Press the 2/Broadcast ↔ Feeder TX One Touchkey. The display shows BROADCAST/MEMORY TX.4 Select a location. Refer to the instructions below.To Select Using Do ThisA One Touch key Press the One Touch key. (On theOKIFAX 5600, lift the main One Touchkeypad to access One Touch keys 16–30.)An Auto Dial number Press the Auto Dial key, then enter thetwo-digit Auto Dial number on thenumeric keypad.