SPECIAL MODES5-2359 Select the tray 2.10 Touch the [TRANSPARENCY INSERTS]key in the special modes screen (2ndscreen).The Transparency insertssetting screen will appear.The transparency insertsicon ( , etc.) will alsoappear in the upper leftcorner of the screen toindicate that the functionis turned on.11 Set the insertion conditions for the insertpaper.(1) Select whether or not the insert paper will becopied on with the (X) keys ([YES] or [NO]).(2) The (Y) key shows the tray selected for theinsert paper and the paper size and type. Toselect a different tray, touch this key to displaythe tray selection screen and select the tray thathas the insert paper.12 Touch the outer [OK] key in the screen ofstep 7.You will return to the main screen of copy mode.Multi shotMultiple original pages can be copied onto one sheet of copy paper in a uniform layout. Select 2in1 to copy twooriginal pages onto one sheet, or 4in1 to copy four original pages onto one sheet. This function is convenient whenyou wish to present multiple pages in a compact format, or show a view of all pages in a document.[Example] Copying 4 original pages onto one sheet of paper(Page number : 4in1, layout : left top : right top (see the next page))O When using the multi shot function, place theoriginals, select the desired paper size, andselect the copying mode before selecting themulti shot function on the special modes screen.O When using the multi shot function, theappropriate copy ratio will be automatically setbased on the original size, paper size, and thenumber of originals to be copied onto one sheet.The minimum reduction ratio is 25%. Theoriginal size, copy paper size, and selectednumber of original pages may require that theratio be less than 25%. As copying will takeplace at 25% in this case, part of the originalimages may be cut off.To display the special modes screen...See "General procedure for using specialfunctions" on page 5-2.OR COPY.1. A42. A43. A34. A4PLAINTRANSPARENCYPLAINPLAINAUTOAUTORIGINEXPOSPAPE100COPY RSPECIAL MODESCOVERS/INSERTS TRANSPARENCYINSERTSCARD SHOTBOOK COPYAbout the steps that followIf an automatic document feeder is being used,see pages 4-7 through 4-10. If the document glassis being used, see pages 4-11 through 4-13.To cancel the Transparency film with insert sheetsfunction, touch the [CANCEL] key on theTransparency film with insert sheets setting screen.PRINT ON INSERT SHEETSYES NOOKOKCANCELINSERTION SHEETTRAY3A4PLAIN(X) (Y)One-sided copies fromone-sided originalsOne-sided copies fromtwo-sided originalsCopies