CUSTOM SETTINGS2-14About the settingsQ Total countThis displays the following sheet counts (thecounts that can be displayed vary depending onthe options installed):(1) Number of pages output by the machine.(2) Number of original pages transmitted by themachine.(3) Number of times the automatic documentfeeder was used to feed original pages andnumber of times the stapler was used (ifinstalled).(4) Number of pages stored by document filing.In the case of (1) only,OA3 (11" x 17") size paper is counted as twosheets.OEach sheet of paper used for automatic two-sided copying is counted as two sheets (A3 (11"x 17") paper is counted as four sheets).OPaper with an entered size of 384 mm (15-1/8")or larger is counted as two sheets (four sheetsduring automatic two-sided copying).Q Default settingsThe following settings can be configured:ODisplay contrastScreen contrast adjustment is used to make theLCD touch panel easier to view under variouslighting conditions. Touch the [LIGHTER] key tomake the screen lighter, or the [DARKER] keyto make the screen darker.OClockUse this to set the date and time in themachine's built-in clock. This clock is used byfunctions that require date and time information.OKeyboard selectThe layout of the keyboard that appears in letterentry screens can be changed.Select the arrangement of the letter keys thatyou find easiest to use.The following three alphabet keyboardconfigurations are available:O Keyboard 1 (QWERT... configuration)*O Keyboard 2 (AZERTY...configuration)O Keyboard 3 (ABCDEF...configuration)* The default setting is "Keyboard 1".(Example: Character entry screen whenKeyboard 3 is selected)Q List printThis is used to print lists of machine settings and atest page to check resident fonts.The following lists and pages are available:OAll custom setting listShows the hardware status, software status,printer configuration settings, tray settings, andcounts.OPrinter test pageShows the PCL symbol set list, fonts, networkinterface (NIC interface) settings, and settingsused for the NIC card.OSending address listOne touch destination list, group list, programlist, and memory box list.ODocument filing user / folder listShows the user names and folder names fordocument filing.OSender control listShows the senders that have been stored.Q Paper tray settingsThe paper type, paper size, enabled modes andautomatic tray switching can set for each tray. Seepage 2-5 to 2-7 for details on setting the paper typeand paper size. Automatic switching to anotherpaper tray is used to automatically switch toanother tray with the same size and type of paperin the event that the paper runs out duringcontinuous printing. This requires that the trays beloaded with the same size of paper. The paper traysettings can be enabled or disabled for each tray,and for printer mode, copy mode, fax mode,Internet fax mode, and document filing mode. Toenable any function, touch the check box key sothat a checkmark ( ) appears.ABC abcNOTEA test page cannot be printed if "PROHIBIT TESTPAGE PRINTING" (See the "Operation manual (forprinter)".) has been set to "prohibited" in the keyoperator programs.